Sunday, October 19, 2008


For people that don't know I have this problem with writing hate mail, or better yet concerned customer mail. My latest rant is that Windows is coming out with a new O/S in the next year and a half.  Which will probably have huge fixes in it, and anyone who is using windows vista like i am knows it is quite buggy.  Well i just sent them this message and anyone out there who is as pissed off as i am should do the same.  
is your company going to be giving windows 7 out free to the people who actually went out, bought, and had to help fix windows vista? or are they going to charge a ridiculous more for me to upgrade?  Id like to know now so i can get everyone i know to start our switch over to mac or over to Linux.  because quite frankly i'm sick of being USED by your company to grow and suck funds from me...

      I AM A PC, but i don't have to be

this company just uses us in order to fix there problems and collect our money, which has to stop.
they don't care about there consumer just the end of the day pay check they keep on collecting.luckily though I'm a bitch and am an avid letter writer, regardless of what impact comes out of it, usually none.

1 comment:

amber said...

You're funny, are you still using an alias like "debbie" or "John Otwana"?