Friday, November 7, 2008


I will not be celebrating Christmas anymore.  I have come to the conclusion that the only people who celebrate this holiday are selfish people. People who only  care about getting presents and that doesn't flow with me.  I would rather get gift when i need them at other times of the year then having to wait till the birth of JESUS to get them.  I'm not even christian, why would i celebrate such a ridiculous holiday?  I actually can answer that, i have been brainwashed into thinking that some fat son of a bitch comes down my chimney to deliver "well deserved" gifts to a tree that is either flame retardant or a tree harvested just for "jolly" fun, then thrown away like a bad habit.  Either way I AM DONE.  I have been saying this for about 5 years but this time I am actually not going to be sucked lifeless for everyone else "WANTS AND NEEDS" or better yet everyone Else's gimme gimme gimme.  Another thing is those damn commercials that they start playing for Christmas 2 months before its even December. WHY???? Oh yeah so everyone can be guilt driven into giving everyone else gifts they don't even deserve. Well I'm done.   Unless you say its for some other holiday around this time like KWANZAA or HANUKKAH, now there is  a holiday i can get into.

1 comment:

amber said...

you're not getting shit this year and you're gonna be so sad.
